Students born in 2013 - 2012
50% Discount for New Students

Monday 5:15 - 6:15 (Class 1)
Wednesday 5:45 - 6:45 (Class 2)
$21 per class
Our gorgeous ballerinas have fun, developing strong technique, good posture and grace. Classical ballet is the foundation of all dance teaching the students how to detail and muscle control.
Students work towards an optional annual examination.
2 classes required for this age group to successfully learn the syllabus.
Beginners are welcome to join. It's amazing how quickly new students progress.
Troupe (Recreational)
Monday 6:30 - 7:45
$25 per class.
Level: All Levels Welcome
Ideal for kids who love performing and want to develop amazing new skills. Students learn a variety of choreographed routines in different genres including jazz, broadway, contemporary and lyrical. Students build confidence as they perform on stage at the mid year display day and the annual concert.
Strong friendships are created as the students work closely together in a team. Like any sporting team, troupe members need to be committed as they work towards performances.
There are no other compulsory classes but students may like to enrol in any other classes to extend themselves.
Students perform in the mid-year showcase.
Students perform in the annual concert.

Hip Hop
Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30
$18 per class
Level: All Levels
Students love how fun and upbeat the classes are. Kids learn current choreography with hard hitting movements as well as lyrical hip hop. Students are taught an awesome routine to perform in the Premier School of Dance concert. Performing on stage is an incredible experience and a great way to build confidence.
Students will perform in the mid-year showcase.
Hip Hop students perform in the annual concert.
Acro Gymnastics
Attend 1 or 2 lessons per week:
Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30 - Intermediate
Tuesday 7:30 - 8:30 - Advanced
Friday 7:00 - 8:00 - Intermediate
Sunday 5:30 - 6:30 - Intermediate / Advanced
$21 per class
Level: All Levels
Our acro gymnastics classes are extremely popular. Students learn Acrobatic and tumbling skills such as back bends, forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, aerials, elbow stands, handsprings, walkovers and more, with an emphasis on safe, progressive technique. The highly skilled instructor will adjust exercises based on the individual’s ability. Students feel a great sense of achievement as they develop new skills.
Students will perform in the mid-year showcase.

Tap Troupe
Wednesday 5:00 - 5:45
$18 per class
Level: All Levels
Make music with your feet and create amazing rhythms. Tap is great for cardio and teaches students rhythm and musicality. It is also lots of fun! Students will learn a fun choreographed tap routine.
Selected Troupe students will perform a tap routine at the competitions and concert. More info.
Wednesday 6:45 - 7:30
$18 per class
Level: All Levels
Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is a cross fit body-conditioning and strengthening program that has been designed to enhance students' technique to achieve:
Core / Limb Strength
Posture / Alignment
Articulation / Control
Working with Fit balls and Therabands encourages resistance training and balance.
Most of all PBT is a fun way to train dancers and refine their skills.
BYO 3m long Theraband (can purchase through Premier)
BYO yoga matt

Wednesday 7:30 - 8:15
$18 per class
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Starting Pointe is very exciting and marks a milestone in a dancer’s life, as pointe work requires great strength in the legs and ankles, built from years of ballet training.
Readiness for pointe work is determined by a student’s strength, technique and physical development. Students must be at least 11yrs. Prior to starting this class, students must be assessed.
From Grade 5, there is a pointe component performed in exams.
Troupe (Elite)
Saturday 2:30 - 3:45
$25 per class
Elite Performance Team
Ideal for kids who love performing and want to strive for excellence. Students learn a variety of choreographed routines in different genres including ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, lyrical and musical theatre. Students build confidence as they perform on stage at competitions and the concert. Strong friendships are created as the students work closely together in a team. Like any sporting team, troupe members need to be committed as they work towards performances. More info.
Troupe students must enrol in ballet, tap and IDT to achieve a high level of training.
Students perform in the mid-year showcase.
Students perform in the concert.
Selected students will perform in the competitions.

Saturday 3:45 - 5:00
$25 per class
Jazz / Flexibility / Strength / Agility
International Dance Technique (IDT) is a syllabus designed to develop plyometric agility, core strength, fitness, flexibility and strong jazz technique. Students love leaning how to perfect jazz skills such as leaps, russians, illusions, attitude leaps, tilts, switch tilts pirouettes, fouettés, much more and fun combos. Students must stretch regularly at home to develop flexibility.